Your Circle of Life

Your circle will never close.
Think of one you love.
One you would like to live forever.
Someone feels the same about you.
Would you like that love to encircle time?
You have found heaven together and it’s time to think about keeping it forever.
Your Circle of Life is not just a celebration of a loved one.
Nor is it simply a promise to love them beyond this life.
Perhaps it is a means to achieve that promise.

Your personalised document will be a beautiful creation, just like the one who receives it.
Informing future generations of their name, birthdate, likeness (a photograph), chemical
make-up, ancestry and DNA profile (a lock of hair), your love for them will reach beyond time.

Perhaps everyone who possesses the document will be recreated using the DNA.
What greater gift than a means of giving love without end?
Family members, friends, those in the armed forces and at risk, the sick and the aged,
will know what they mean to you while still in this life - and beyond.

Your circle of love will never close.
Ensure it stays open.



Circle of Life Document

Circle of Life Document

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